I want to set the default window size for a flex application that runs with a standalone player. I set width and height to 100% to be able to get the ResizeEvent and being able to adjust the layout if the user changes the window size. But I'd like to also define a default size.
I'm not sure you can. You can do it with air though. Why would you want a standalone flex app that isn't air? The setting is the air xml file
Sean Clark Hess
2009-08-02 00:01:30
I'd like a standalone app that isn't air because it does not need installing and can be run right away.
2009-08-02 03:50:21
I solved it this way: setting the application to a fixed size on startup, and adjusting it when the stage (here: the window) is resized
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
width="900" height="600"
private function appComplete():void {
stage.addEventListener(Event.RESIZE, onStageResize);
private function onStageResize(e:Event):void
this.width = this.stage.stageWidth;
this.height = this.stage.stageHeight;
2009-08-03 01:57:21
There's two ways to set the default size of a swf:
1) add a compiler argument:
2) use metadata in your flex main mxml or class
[SWF(width='800', height='600')]
[SWF(width='800', height='600')]
public class Main extends Application {}
This will tell the compiler what values to put in the header tag of the swf.
2009-08-13 05:44:42