





I'm looking for a portable, as-less-hackish-as-possible way of rendering WebKit into texture, and injecting events back into texture. Bonus points for being able to override theme of UI elements (textboxes, buttons, scrollbars). Extra bonus points for being able to render into SDL surface as well. Overall, I'd like to be able to just grab a RGBA pixel byte array and do with it as I please. Browser shouldn't be running, it should all be done in-game.

This should in no way be platform dependent and should be compatible with developing both proprietary and DFGS-free software.



I think Awesomium does what you are asking for. It is free for non-commercial use. But be forewarned, previous versions of the project had some serious bugs and performance issues. Try before you buy.

My apologies for not making myself clear. I do not use Windows and therefore I also don't use Visual Studio. Since I'm switching platforms very often, and since I support and develop both free software and proprietary software, this should be preferably both cross-platform and free (BSD/LGPL). While I know about Awesomium from back when it was announced on Webkit-Meta mailing list, I didn't know it went commercial.
Ivan Vučica