There are two questions here, one is the svn limitation on renames and merges, in my opinion once one has decided to go with svn for a project it would not be advisable to switch version control software in the middle. I'd talk to the other developers, and make cycles of locking the whole project and doing the renames.
In my case I solved the case-sensitive problems of the header files with a simple perl script: It will fix carriage returns and set includes to lowercase.
The commented part fixes the includes.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
use File::Copy;
sub wanted
if( m/\.c$/i || m/\.h$/i ) {
my $orig = $_;
my $bak = $orig.".bak";
my $dst = $orig;
system("fromdos",$orig) == 0 or die "fromdos: $?";
# open(FH,'<',$orig) or die "open $orig: $!";
# my @lines;
# while(my $line = <FH>) {
# if( $line =~ m/(^#include\s+")([^"]+)(".*)$/ ) {
# print $line;
# my $inc = $2;
# $inc =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
# print "change to:\n";
# print $1.$inc.$3."\n";
# print "\n";
# push @lines, $1 . $inc . $3."\n";
# } else {
# push @lines,$line;
# }
# }
# close(FH);
# #move($orig,$bak) or die "move $orig to $bak: $!";
# unlink($orig);
# open(FH, '>', $dst) or die "open $dst: $!";
# print FH @lines;
# close(FH);
find(\&wanted, ".");