




Hello, i would like to know how to use two embedded fonts in Flex in tag i am dynamically loading rss description into it and would like to have first character and characters unsupported by other font be in that first font. i limited the range of char of that second font so all unsupported chars and first char should be in that first font.

thanks in advance , Igor.

if my writing was unclear please let me know.


You can do this by applying 2 different TextFormat objects to the text. Also see setTextFormat() on the TextField class that allows you to specify a begin- and endIndex of the text range on which you want to set the textformat.

Christophe Herreman

thanks, figured that out for the textformat part but what to do if one of those two fonts does not support for example numbers , commas fullstops etc. and i use that second font for that. is there a solution to that?