



I am very new to IPhone development. I have upgraded my IPhone to the latest version 3.0.1 (7A400). I have also downloaded the latest version of the SDK - but the latest version of the OS that XCode supports is 3.0.1 (7A341).

Any ideas?

+10  A: 

To continue development with iPhone SDK 3.0 on your iPhone, iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS running iPhone OS 3.0.1 will need to perform the following:

  1. Log into your Mac with an Admin account and launch the Terminal application (/Applications/Utilities)

  2. Copy and paste the following line into Terminal: ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0\ (7A341) /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0.1

Note: If you installed iPhone SDK 3.0 somewhere other than the default /Developer location, replace the "/Developer" directory as appropriate.

More information on this thread on the Apple Dev Forums:

Julio Gorgé
Upvoted for a detailed explanation and citing the source.
Luke Redpath
+26  A: 

Pretty easy.

ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0\ \(7A341\) /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0.1
if you are using 3.1 SDK, then remove the "\ \(7A341)" part, cause the folder name is "3.0" not "3.0 (7A341)"
Perfect. I love easy solutions like this :)
James Skidmore
I wish I could vote +25
I recently downgraded my 3.1b3 iPhone to 3.0.1. Running Xcode 3.1 and iPhone SDK 3.1, I get this same error. I had previously created the symlink before going to 3.1 and it helped me code on 3.0.1, but now that I went back it is broken again. I get this message: Your device is running an incompatible debugger.Please reboot your device or re-install its software.(0xE8000033).
Hector Ramos

Ouch.. I too had this... ended up reinstalling SDK + Xcode... If only I posted my issue here :(

Mugunth Kumar
I did that too! Then I got smart and posted the question to here... ;-)
Hugh Mullally

I had to put quotes around the paths and also restart xcode:

ln -s "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0 (7A341)" "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0.1"


ok you need to take the old 3.0 (7a341) dir and copy it into 3.0.1 (7A400) i had three files in it i needed to copy

open up finder go to folder


make new folder 3.0.1 (7A400)

copy files into it from 3.0 (7A341)

restart xcode



For science here is the variation I had to use :

sudo ln -s /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0\ \(7A312g\)/ /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/3.0.1

The difference being the (7A12g) in the original filename. I just created the symlink by hand in terminal, then restarted XCode and it all fit together.

Ryan Townshend