I have a gentoo diskless client that mounts using nfs and it seems like the throughput of nfs is slow. iperf show the network able to push 770 Mb/s and hdparm shows the sata disk on the server at 90 Mb/s, but doing a dd across the network only shows up as 10 Mb/s (is about 40 Mb/s when the same test is done on the server to a third machine).
Odd thing is that the pxeboot mounts nfsver2. Not sure if this is a problem or not, but other mounts after boot mount as nfsver3. Really seems like it is a config problem with nfs somewhere, but I have not found anything that makes a difference. Doing rsize=8k,wsize=8k, noatime, async. Anyone have any tips to look for or is this 10 Mb/s really the throughput I should expect for a diskless client?