



I work on Linux all the time and I'm clueless about Windows not even having one to try it, is Git nowadays working on Windows? or am I making problems for my Windows-pals by using it?


It works, but not well. If you Google around a bit, you'll find the port which uses MinGW. The main problems are instability and some very Linux-like tools (gittk). If you really need it though, you should be able to get by.

Daniel Spiewak
+12  A: 

As far as I can tell msysgit works perfectly well under Windows Vista.

This after a whole 2-month experience checking out plugins and applications for Ruby on Rails :-)

Anyway, it was a breeze to install, no problem.

Christian Lescuyer
I've been using msysgit on Win XP SP 2 for a while now - and had no problems with it.
Peter Boughton
We've got it running on Win XP SP3 and Win XP SP2. No issues - AND the msysgit team keeps pretty up-to-date. Was even able to get it working with Pageant to push/pull to a SSH-accessed git repo.
Michael Johnson
me too - the msysgit version has been running fine for me on Windows XP SP2. Used locally and also with remote repositories on github and heroku.
I set up a PM with msysgit and git-gui last week - no problems so far!
Ben Scofield
+6  A: 

I have had no problems, even with the gui tools (gitk and git gui), using git from Cygwin. The Cygwin people are very conscientious and have a large community to boot.

Denis Bueno
+2  A: 

Yes it does. Check out this screencast at GitCasts.

+1  A: 

You should also checkout Git-Extensions which adds git commands as shell extensions - works great with msysgit.

Paul Hedderly
+2  A: 

There's a port of Tortoise for GIT, in version 0.4 so far:

Chris S

I've heard good things about it, but a sticking point for me (and the Japanese company I work for) is lack of cross-platform Unicode filename support. It depends if that particular feature is important to you.

See Issue 80 in the msysgit bug tracker.

See the What DVCS support Unicode filenames? question I asked about this.

Craig McQueen