I have a directed graph for all kinds of available address formats in Java, which includes cycles. I want to store user Address which is a span of this graph in addition to the above template. My graph is obtained from the XML below:
<city start="true">
<minicity />
<street />
<square />
<street />
<alley />
<square />
<street />
<alley />
<blibd />
<street />
<alley />
<blibd />
<alley final="true">
<alley />
<blibd />
<plaque />
<blibd final="true">
<alley />
<blibd />
<plaque />
<plaque final="true">
<stage />
<unit />
<stage final="true">
<unit />
<unit final="true">
As you can see the street node of the graph has a cycle above itself. A sample of the user address would look like this:
city:a street:b street:c street:d alley:f
My question is: What is the best way to store the user's address graph? I have the above template graph and want to know whether it would be better to save the user graph within this template or outside in a different structure.