


+1  Q: 

Apriori Algorithm

I've heard about the Apriori algorithm several times before but never got the time or the opportunity to dig into it, can anyone explain to me in a simple way the workings of this algorithm? Also, a basic example would make it a lot easier for me to understand.

+1  A: 


Wikipedia has a pretty simple explanation, and a nice example. It does require some basic knowledge of graph theory and basic algorithms on said graphs.

Yuval A
+4  A: 

Well, I would assume you've read the wikipedia entry but you said "a basic example would make it a lot easier for me to understand". Wikipedia has just that so I'll assume you haven't read it and suggest that you do.

Read the wikipedia article.

Spencer Ruport
Thank you, actually I've read the wiki page before but it had really poor content at that time now it even contains a real world example! =)
Alix Axel
+1  A: 

See Top 10 algorithms in data mining (free access) or The Top Ten Algorithms in Data Mining. The latter gives a detailed description of the algorithm, together with details on how to get optimized implementations.
