This is a very general question that's not related to a specific language. I'm having this array of int's:
int[100][100] map;
This contains just tile numbers, and is rendered as 256x256 tiles. So it's basically just a tile map or whatever it should be called. Thing is I want to be able to write anything to the map, anywhere, and it should stay there. For example be able to paint on stuff on the ground such as grass, flowers, stones and other stuff making the terrain more varied without having to render each of these sprites a huge number of times every time it renders. But making each tile contain it's own texture to write to would be terribly memory consuming at that would be 256x256x100x100 = 655360000 pixels to store. Would'nt that be like gigabytes of data or something!?
Does anyone know of a good general sulotion to make what I'm trying to do without killing too much memory?
If someone wonders I'm using C++ with HGE (Haaf's Game Engine).
EDIT: I've choosen to limit the amount of stuff on screen so that it can render. But look here so maybe you'll understand what I try to achieve: Link to image because I'm not allowed to use image tags :(