I searched the web for different solutions to the n-queens problem in Haskell but couldn't find any that could check for unsafe positions in O(1) time, like that one that you keep an array for the / diagonals and one for the \ diagonals.
Most solutions I found just checked each new queen against all the previous ones. Something like this: http://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/62j4m/nqueens%5Fin%5Fhaskell/
nqueens :: Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
nqueens n = foldr qu [[]] [1..n]
where qu k qss = [ ((j,k):qs) | qs <- qss, j <- [1..n], all (safe (j,k)) qs ]
safe (j,k) (l,m) = j /= l && k /= m && abs (j-l) /= abs (k-m)
What would be the best way to implement such an "O(1) approach" in Haskell? I am not looking for anything "super-optimized". Just some way to produce the "is this diagonal already used?" array in a functional manner.
Thanks for all the answers, folks! The reason I originally asked the question is because I wanted to solve a harder backtracking problem. I knew how to solve it in an imperative language but could not readily think of a purely functional data structure to do the job. I figured that the queens problem would be a good model (being the backtracking problem :) ) for the overall data-structure problem, but it isn't my real problem though.
I actually want to find a data structure that allows O(1) random access and holds values that are either on a "initial" state (free line/diagonal, in the n-queens case) or in a "final" state (occupied line/diagonal), with transitions (free to occupied) being O(1). This can be implemented using mutable arrays in an imperative language but I feel that the restriction of updating values only allows for a nice purely functional data structure (as opposed to Quicksort, for example, that really wants mutable arrays).
I figure that sth's solution is as good as you can get using immutable arrays in Haskell and the "main" function looks like what I wanted it to be:
-- try all positions for a queen in row n-1
place :: BoardState -> Int -> [[(Int, Int)]]
place _ 0 = [[]]
place b n = concatMap place_ (freefields b (n-1))
where place_ p = map (p:) (place (occupy b p) (n-1))
The main problem seems to be finding a better data structure though, as Haskell Arrays have O(n) updating. Other nice suggestions fall short of the mythical O(1) holy grail:
- DiffArrays come close but mess up in the backtracking. They actually get super slow :( .
- STUArrays conflict with the pretty functional backtracking approach so they are discarded.
- Maps and Sets have only O(log n) updating.
I am not really sure there is a solution overall, but it seems promising.
The most promising data structure I found where Trailer Arrays. Basically a Haskell DiffArray but it mutates back when you backtrack.