
Memory fragmentation would account for it... what is not clear is whether the Apps use of memory is causing paging? this would also slow things up.... and could cause the same issues.

Tony Lambert

It the problem really is memory fragmentation, there is not much you can do about it.

But before you give up in despair, try running your app with a execution profiler to see if it is spending a lot of time executing in an unexpected place. It is possible that the slow down is actually due to a problem in your algorithms, and nothing to do with memory fragmentation. As people have already said, J2ME garbage collectors should not suffer from fragmentation issues.

Stephen C

Consider looking at garbage collection statistics. You should have a lot more on the last run than the first, if your theory is to hold. Another thought might be that something else eats your memory so your application has less.

In other words, profiler time :)

Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen
+1  A: 

If you've got a little bit of time, you could test your theory by re-using the memory by using Memory Pool techniques: each run of the task uses the 'same' chunks of memory by getting them from the pool and returning them at release time.

If you're still seeing the degrading performance after doing this investigation, it's not memory fragmentation causing the problem. Let us all know your results and we can help troubleshoot further.


What OS are you running this on? I have some experience with Windows CE5 (or Windows Mobile) devices. CE5's operating system level memory architecture is quite broken and will fail soon for memory intensive applications. Your graph does not have any scales, but every process only gets 32MB of address space on CE5. The VM and shared libraries will take their fair share of that as well, leaving you with quite little left. The only way around this is to re-use the memory you allocated instead of giving it back to the collector and re-allocating later. This is, of course, much more low-level programming than you would usually want to do in Java, but on this platform you might be out of luck.

Daniel Schneller