Arg! So in digging through the SWFLoader Class I found this chunk of code in private function loadContent:
// make relative paths relative to the SWF loading it, not the top-level SWF
if (!(url.indexOf(":") > -1 || url.indexOf("/") == 0 || url.indexOf("\\") == 0))
var rootURL:String;
if (SystemManagerGlobals.bootstrapLoaderInfoURL != null && SystemManagerGlobals.bootstrapLoaderInfoURL != "")
rootURL = SystemManagerGlobals.bootstrapLoaderInfoURL;
else if (root)
rootURL = LoaderUtil.normalizeURL(root.loaderInfo);
else if (systemManager)
rootURL = LoaderUtil.normalizeURL(DisplayObject(systemManager).loaderInfo);
if (rootURL)
var lastIndex:int = Math.max(rootURL.lastIndexOf("\\"), rootURL.lastIndexOf("/"));
if (lastIndex != -1)
url = rootURL.substr(0, lastIndex + 1) + url;
So apparently, Adobe has gone through the extra effort to make images load in the actual swf and not the top level swf (with no flag to choose otherwise...), so I guess I should submit a feature request to have some sort of "load relative to swf" flag, edit the SWFLoader directly, or maybe I should have everything relative to the individual swf and not the top level...any suggestions?