



I was wondering, in the new HTML 5, we will get <audio> and <video> tags, but why not native editable combobox and built in local menu support?

The reason I'm asking this is because these are the most common problems I face when I have to design a web solution to a typical table based application (e.g. order management app). On a proper client side app, I can use the OS to provide these facilities out of box (e.g. JPopupMenu, JComboBox). For a webapp, I have to look for javascript (libraries) to accomplish something like it.

Why are these not in HTML 5?

I know I should avoid discussion like questions, so here are some further questions: Do you know libraries that can do the popup menu thing and editable combobox thing cheaply (perhaps with a small code sample)?

+1  A: 

these are easily doable with JavaScript, <audio> and <video> (and <canvas>!) aren't.

Relying on JavaScript libraries are not a bad thing. If the browser did all, every webpage would look the same.

As are audio, video and canvas doable with flash and friends.
the goal is not to rely on plugins, like 'flash and friends'
The only drawback of the two multimedia tags are that they require either freely accessible content (imagine direct downloadable youtube content, horrible!), or custom codec plugins. My goal would be to not rely on javascript that much either.

The state of form and input controls on in browsers is a big mess in general.

  • There's no consistency to implementation. Some use OS native controls (Safari), some use bespoke controls (Opera), and some use a mix of both (IE)
  • Because of the above, styling/branding a form is not reliable
  • Again because of the above, we suffer(ed) with z-index issues.
  • Even on browsers where you can apply style, it's inconsistent. Ever add a CSS border to input only to see squares around your radio buttons?

In general, I tend to agree with you. We've been living with the same form controls since HTML 3. So us web developers are left to create more rich and advanced controls on our own. And while these can work, they rely heavily on DHTML and can have significant usability implications.

It would be nice to see advancement in this area.

Peter Bailey
I heard a question recently (;talk=33423389;title=HTML%205%20WebSockets%20-%20The%20Last%20Mile): what are the showstoppers of your application not doable on web today? These.
+4  A: 

Actually, an editable combobox or just combobox can be created using the new list attribute on the input element. It points to a datalist element that can provide a list of predefined options:

<input list=languages>
<datalist id=languages>
 <option value="English"></option>
 <option value="Dutch"></option>

For menus the old menu element has been reused.

Of these two features only the first has an implementation, in Opera.

Disclaimer: I work for Opera on HTML5 (among other things).
Nice job. Is there a way I could test it? I read the associated HTML5 spec, but I'm not sure it 100% covers my understanding of an editable combobox similar to its native counterpart.
Loading the above into a recent Opera build should do the trick. (9.x something would recent.)