




So, I'm already familiar with this:

My question is how do you handle a vendor branch that has both a stable release and an alpha/beta branch that you want to integrate?

So, say you follow the original example from the SVN book. You'd have:

svn://localhost/home/svn/vendor/libcomplex/1.1 (same as current)

Now, say you have two versions of your own 'calc' app:

calc (this is essentially trunk == calc 2.0)
calc-1.0 (released to public)

Let's say calc-1.0 uses libcomplex 1.0 and calc (in trunk) used libcomplex 1.1, which is still being developed.

There's a bug in libcomplex 1.0 and a new version is released to fix that bug: libcomplex 1.0.1. The libcomplex maintainers have also included this bugfix into libcomplex 1.1.

You're not ready to release calc 2.0, so you need to integrate libcomplex 1.0.1 into your vendor branch and then update calc-1.0 to make a bug-fix release.

Where does it go?

You can't put it at svn://localhost/home/svn/vendor/libcomplex/current because 1.1 currently lives there.

Do you copy svn://localhost/home/svn/vendor/libcomplex/1.0 to svn://localhost/home/svn/vendor/libcomplex/1.0.1 and then bring in the new release? That way you could use svn to merge the diff between 1.0 and 1.0.1 to calc-1.0.

+1  A: 

The recommended practice is to create a branch for your release. That way, it doesn't matter what changes you make in trunk to your vendor folders. You can then update the 1.0 release branch with the 1.0.1 version of libcomplex, and that would not have affected trunk (calc 2.0).

This won't work if calc 1.0 and calc 2.0 live side by side in the same branch however.

The next thing to do is to not have "current". Just refer directly to the version that you are using. eg, leave your folder structure as:


and never overwrite these files. Then calc 2.0 can refer to version 1.1 of libcomplex, and calc 1.0 can refer to 1.0.1.

Your last option, (and not really recommended), is to use svn tags (see complex tags). They allow you to mix and match versions, so you could technically create a tag to represent the patch release of your calc 1.0 with the old version of libcomplex.

Nader Shirazie
In my previous example, I do have a branch for my release: calc 1.0. The vendor folders aren't contained under calc. Are you suggesting that /vendor be branched as well? To be clear here is the example I'm describing:/vendor/libcomplex//calc/trunk//calc/branches/1.0/Your suggestion to not use "current" and just use the folder structures won't properly allow for merging changes between versions into trunk, thus defeating the purpose. You need this change history to allow for merging changes into trunk where you have modified the original vendor source.
Amir Ebrahimi
My approach is for works when all you're doing is using released versions.If you're also modifying the source, then may be useful to treat the vendor code as your own code (ie include it in your trunk branch rather than have vendor as a separate folder).However your approach makes sense as well. Create the vendor/libcomplex/1.0.1 branch, merge any customisations, and update the calc 1.0 release to point to vendor/libcomplex/1.0.1, then release calc 1.0.1. Whenever libcomplex 1.1 is ready, merge customisations, build calc2.0, and you're good to go. Trunk never points to 1.0.1
Nader Shirazie