



I did an application to show a datagrid with a custom column in Flex 3 how can I access to the method loadDetails in this code?:

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
      public function loadDetails(id:String) : void { // Some code here 
    <mx:DataGrid dataProvider="{[{id:'123456',name:'',address:''}]}">
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Serial" dataField="id"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Cliente" dataField="name"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Dirección" dataField="address"/>
        <mx:DataGridColumn width="50" dataField="id" headerText="">
                <mx:LinkButton label="" toolTip="Details" icon="@Embed('../resources/icons/details.png')" click="loadDetails(;">

When I tried to run this code Flex throws an error. It says that loadDetails it's not defined. I supposed that error is because of scope. But I don't have any idea about how to solve it.


Anything inside the Component tag will basically be a descriptor for a component factory. Therefor, anything inside that tag will be in a local scope. However, you can use the property outerDocument (if I remember correctly) to access the document where-in that itemRenderer is placed.

<mx:LinkButton label="" toolTip="Details" icon="@Embed('../resources/icons/details.png')" click="outerDocument.loadDetails(;"/>
Ok.. I'm learning flex and I didn't now about that.. I tried it and It works!!.. Thanks.. =)