I am building a .NET application and considering deploying it through XBAP. This requires that the users have .NET 3.0 - 3.5 installed on their machine. Are there any kind of estimates of how many people have this? As a developer it's really hard to estimate. Any thoughts?
If you only need .Net 3.0, this comes along with Vista RTM/Server 08, so you can look at those penetration numbers for a guaranteed base. Likewise, Windows 7 will have .Net 3.5 baked in.
But making it a prerequesite to install isn't really a big deal, when the installer is only a few megabytes. See: Scott Hanselman's SmallestDotNet project.
See also: What is the market share for the various .Net framework versions?.
Some thoughts;
- anybody with Vista will have .NET 3.0 (so WPF) pre-installed
- anybody with Windows 7 will have .NET 3.5 SP1 pre-installed
Maybe look at these numbers instead
Alternatively, perhaps consider deploying as Silverlight 3? Similar to WPF (although cut-down), but cross-platform and cross-browser. And a very small download.
If you need more than Silverlight, then you might point users (without the required .NET version) at the "client profile"; a smaller download than "full" .NET.