How do I programmatically find whether MS OFfice is installed in a list of server in a Windows Network.
You have to search in registry: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\*version*\Common\InstallRoot
Svetlozar Angelov
2009-08-17 10:54:04
You can provide some example code !!!
2010-03-08 09:18:47
no problem ... just name the language you want
Svetlozar Angelov
2010-03-08 09:27:27
My first thought was 'why would you have Office installed in servers?' but maybe you're using the word server to mean something more general.
The link provided by Svetlozar, above, seems to be for determining if Office is installed locally, not on a list of servers in a Windows network.
Wouldn't it be considered a security risk to allow remote access to this kind of information?
2009-08-17 11:40:31