The trouble with considering Javascript is that implementations are still so different between browsers. For example, IE's Javascript engine is still slow compared to the likes of V8. So to build an extremely processor-intensive Javascript app may cause those running IE to leave out of frustration.
But I'd venture to say that Silverlight probably has the fastest raw execution time at the moment that can run cross-browser. It's running an abbreviated version of the .NET framework. And from what I've seen C# is typically within 10-20% the speed of C++ for raw number crunching tasks. A lot of benchmarks out there skew this one way or the other, but any carefully designed benchmark typically shows the performance to be surprisingly close.
Of course, you should note that Silverlight was designed to use a lower CPU priority than a desktop C# application so as not to bring the browser to a halt (it'll never use 100% CPU). But still, for something that can run in a browser Silverlight's overall performance is quite good.
Here are a couple of good sources comparing C# to C++ (among other languages):
Microbenchmarking C++, C#, and Java
The Computer Language Benchmarks Game