I've been using pmset to control sleep mode on my Mac for awhile now, and it's pretty easy to integrate. Here's a rough example of how you could call that program from Java to disable/enable sleep mode. Note that you need root privileges to run pmset, and therefore you'll need them to run this program.
import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
* Disable sleep mode (record current setting beforehand), and re-enable sleep
* mode. Works with Mac OS X using the "pmset" command.
public class SleepSwitch {
private int sleepTime = -1;
public void disableSleep() throws IOException {
if (sleepTime != -1) {
// sleep time is already recorded, assume sleep is disabled
// query pmset for the current setting
Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("pmset -g");
BufferedInputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(proc.getInputStream());
StringBuffer output = new StringBuffer();
int c;
while ((c = is.read()) != -1) {
output.append((char) c);
// parse the current setting and store the sleep time
String outString = output.toString();
String setting = outString.substring(outString.indexOf(" sleep\t")).trim();
setting = setting.substring(7, setting.indexOf(" ")).trim();
sleepTime = Integer.parseInt(setting);
// set the sleep time to zero (disable sleep)
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("pmset sleep 0");
public void enableSleep() throws IOException {
if (sleepTime == -1) {
// sleep time is not recorded, assume sleep is enabled
// set the sleep time to the previously stored value
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("pmset sleep " + sleepTime);
// reset the stored sleep time
sleepTime = -1;