I managed to find a solution. Thought I'd post it for anyone else...
Here's an example model
class ExmapleModel(models.Model)
order = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField()
title = models.CharField()
The admin class would look like this, note the added template and list_editable field.
class ExampleModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
ordering = ('order')
list_display = ( 'title', 'order', )
list_editable = ('order',)
change_list_template = 'admin/exampleModel/change_list.html'
The change_list.html template would look like this.
{% extends "admin/change_list.html" %}
{% load adminmedia admin_list i18n %}
{% block extrastyle %}
{{ block.super }}
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/static/url/js/jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="path/to/static/url/js/admin/change_list_sort.js"></script>
{% endblock %}
All this does is load in the jquery library and our custom change_list_sort.js file.
Finally, I followed this example here - http://www.lukedingle.com/javascript/sortable-table-rows-with-jquery-draggable-rows/ - and changes a few lines of code to make it update the order number. Below is my code.
var mouseX, mouseY, lastX, lastY = 0;
// This function captures the x and y positions anytime the mouse moves in the document.
$().mousemove(function(e) { mouseX = e.pageX; mouseY = e.pageY; });
var need_select_workaround = typeof $(document).attr('onselectstart') != 'undefined';
$('table tbody tr').live('mousedown', function (e) {
lastY = mouseY;
var tr = $(this);
// This is just for flashiness. It fades the TR element out to an opacity of 0.2 while it is being moved.
tr.fadeTo('fast', 0.2);
// jQuery has a fantastic function called mouseenter() which fires when the mouse enters
// This code fires a function each time the mouse enters over any TR inside the tbody -- except $(this) one
$('tr', tr.parent() ).not(this).mouseenter(function(){
// Check mouse coordinates to see whether to pop this before or after
// If mouseY has decreased, we are moving UP the page and insert tr before $(this) tr where
// $(this) is the tr that is being hovered over. If mouseY has decreased, we insert after
if (mouseY > lastY) {
} else {
// Store the current location of the mouse for next time a mouseenter event triggers
lastY = mouseY;
// Now, bind a function that runs on the very next mouseup event that occurs on the page
// This checks for a mouse up *anywhere*, not just on table rows so that the function runs even
// if the mouse is dragged outside of the table.
$('body').mouseup(function () {
//Fade the TR element back to full opacity
tr.fadeTo('fast', 1);
// Remove the mouseenter events from the tbody so that the TR element stops being moved
$('tr', tr.parent()).unbind('mouseenter');
// Remove this mouseup function until next time
// Make text selectable for IE again with
// The workaround for IE based browsers
if (need_select_workaround)
reorder(); // This function just renumbers the position and adjusts the zebra striping, not required at all
// This part if important. Preventing the default action and returning false will
// Stop any text in the table from being highlighted (this can cause problems when dragging elements)
// The workaround for IE based browers
if (need_select_workaround)
$(document).bind('selectstart', function () { return false; });
return false;
}).css('cursor', 'move');
function reorder () {
var position = 1;
$('table tbody tr').each(function () {
// Change the text of the first TD element inside this TR
$('td:last input', $(this)).val(position);
//Now remove current row class and add the correct one
$(this).removeClass('row1 row2').addClass( position % 2 ? 'row1' : 'row2');
position += 1;
Hope that helps someone!