Thanks to a previous question, I found out how to pull the most recent data based on a linked table. BUT, now I have a related question.
The solution that I found used row_number() and PARTITION to pull the most recent set of data. But what if there's a possibility for zero or more rows in a linked table in the view? For example, the table FollowUpDate might have 0 rows, or 1, or more. I just want the most recent FollowUpDate:
,EFT.Name AS FormType
,ECOA.Account AS ChargeOffAccount
,ERC.Name AS ReasonCode
,EAC.Description AS ApprovalCode
,MAX(EFU.FollowUpDate) AS FollowUpDate
SELECT EF.FormId, EFD.ActionDate, EFS.Name AS StatusName, EF.FormTypeId, EF.ChargeOffId, EF.ReasonCodeId, EF.ApprovalCodeId,
row_number() OVER ( PARTITION BY EF.FormId ORDER BY EFD.ActionDate DESC ) DateSortKey
FROM Extension.FormDate EFD INNER JOIN Extension.Form EF ON EFD.FormId = EF.FormId INNER JOIN Extension.FormStatus EFS ON EFD.StatusId = EFS.StatusId
INNER JOIN Extension.FormType EFT ON EFD.FormTypeId = EFT.FormTypeId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Extension.ChargeOffAccount ECOA ON EFD.ChargeOffId = ECOA.ChargeOffId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Extension.ReasonCode ERC ON EFD.ReasonCodeId = ERC.ReasonCodeId
LEFT OUTER JOIN Extension.ApprovalCode EAC ON EFD.ApprovalCodeId = EAC.ApprovalCodeId
LEFT OUTER JOIN (Select EFU.FormId, EFU.FollowUpDate, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY EFU.FormId ORDER BY EFU.FollowUpDate DESC) FUDateSortKey FROM Extension.FormFollowUp EFU INNER JOIN Extension.Form EF ON EFU.FormId = EF.FormId) EFU ON EFD.FormId = EFU.FormId
WHERE EFD.DateSortKey = 1
EFD.FormId, EFD.ActionDate, EFD.StatusName, EFT.Name, ECOA.Account, ERC.Name, EAC.Description, EFU.FollowUpDate
If I do a similar pull using row_number() and PARTITION, I get the data only if there is at least one row in FollowUpDate. Kinda defeats the purpose of a LEFT OUTER JOIN. Can anyone help me get this working?