Like the others said, you're not single quoting parameters.
Session("UserID") = 0000
Session("PersonID") = 4321
Session("bizID") = 1234
TransType = "GET"
ClientIP = ""
TransData = "xyz"
then executing the following...
sql = "sp_WriteTransaction" & " " & Session("UserID") & "," & Session("PersonID") & "," & Session("bizID") & "," & TransType & "," & ClientIP & "," & TransData
would yield...
What's more troubling is that you're passing unencoded strings to SQL because this leaves you vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks. In this case it looks like the data might all be derived with no client origin but considering the nature/naivety of your question I suspect you are probably vulnerable elsewhere.
Here's an example of how you can protect your SQL
Session("UserID") = 11111
Session("PersonID") = 4321
Session("bizID") = 1234
TransType = "GET"
ClientIP = ""
TransData = "xyz"
sql = "sp_WriteTransaction {0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}"
parameters = Array(Session("UserID"),Session("PersonID"),Session("bizID"),TransType,ClientIP,TransData)
Function BuildSQL(query, params)
Dim result : result = query
If Not IsArray(params) Then
BuildSQL = Null
Exit Function
End If
Dim i
For i = lbound(params) to ubound(params)
result = replace(result,"{" & i & "}",SQLEncode(params(i)))
BuildSQL = result
End Function
Function SQLEncode (uVar)
If IsNull(uVar) Then
SQLEncode = "null"
SQLEncode = "'" & replace(uVar,"'","''") & "'"
End If
End Function
Response.Write BuildSQL("sp_WriteTransaction {0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}",parameters)
This code outputs the following...
You could take this a step further by putting SQLEncode and BuildSQL into their own file and making it available in all of your ASP files with an include statement.
<!-- #include file=""-->
To do this you'll need to have Server Side Includes enabled in IIS and make sure the relative path in the #include statement is correct.