How about the following function? I've used \%x08 instead of ^H as it's easier to copy and paste the resulting code. You could type it in and use Ctrl-V Ctrl-H if you prefer, but I thought \%x08 might be easier. This also attempts to handle backspaces at the start of the line (it just deletes them).
" Define a command to make it easier to use (default range is whole file)
command! -range=% ApplyBackspaces <line1>,<line2>call ApplyBackspaces()
" Function that does the work
function! ApplyBackspaces() range
" For each line in the selected lines
for index in range(a:firstline, a:lastline)
" Get the line as a string
let thisline = getline(index)
" Remove backspaces at the start of the line
let thisline = substitute(thisline, '^\%x08*', '', '')
" Repeatedly apply backspaces until there are none left
while thisline =~ '.\%x08'
" Substitute any character followed by backspace with nothing
let thisline = substitute(thisline, '.\%x08', '', 'g')
" Remove any backspaces left at the start of the line
let thisline = substitute(thisline, '^\%x08*', '', '')
" Write the line back
call setline(index, thisline)
Use with:
" Whole file:
" Whole file (explicitly requested):
" Visual range:
For more information, see:
:help command
:help command-range
:help function
:help function-range-example
:help substitute()
:help =~
:help \%x
Note that if you want to work on a single line, you could do something like this:
" Define the command to default to the current line rather than the whole file
command! -range ApplyBackspaces <line1>,<line2>call ApplyBackspaces()
" Create a mapping so that pressing ,b in normal mode deals with the current line
nmap ,b :ApplyBackspaces<CR>
or you could just do:
nmap ,b :.ApplyBackspaces<CR>