



I am currently working on an algorithm to implement a rolling median filter (analogous to a rolling mean filter) in C. From my search of the literature, there appear to be two reasonably efficient ways to do it. The first is to sort the initial window of values, then perform a binary search to insert the new value and remove the exiting one at each iteration.

The second (from Hardle and Steiger, 1995, JRSS-C, Algorithm 296) builds a double-ended heap structure, with a maxheap on one end, a minheap on the other, and the median in the middle. This yields a linear-time algorithm instead of one that is O(n log n).

Here is my problem: implementing the former is doable, but I need to run this on millions of time series, so efficiency matters a lot. The latter is proving very difficult to implement. I found code in the Trunmed.c file of the code for the stats package of R, but it is rather indecipherable.

Does anyone know of a well-written C implementation for the linear time rolling median algorithm?

Edit: Link to Trunmed.c code


Is using C++ an option? Perhaps the Hardle and Steiger algorithm could be implemented in terms of a pair of std::priority_queue structures.

Jim Lewis
C++ is an option, but I believe there are two issues with using a std::priority_queue. First is the need for pointer tracking in all heap operations (you need to track two indices of pointers to tell where time series items are in the data structure and visa versa). Second, you need to remove items on each iteration that are not necessarily at the top of the heap (as the trailing observation leaves the filter window). If there's a way to work around those issues while retaining the better aspects of the STL structure, it would be a nice simplification.
+6  A: 

I have looked at R's src/library/stats/src/Trunmed.c a few times as I wanted something similar too in a standalone C++ class / C subroutine. Note that this are actually two implementations in one, see src/library/stats/man/runmed.Rd (the source of the help file) which says

  Apart from the end values, the result \code{y = runmed(x, k)} simply has
  \code{y[j] = median(x[(j-k2):(j+k2)])} (k = 2*k2+1), computed very

  The two algorithms are internally entirely different:
    \item{"Turlach"}{is the Härdle-Steiger
      algorithm (see Ref.) as implemented by Berwin Turlach.
      A tree algorithm is used, ensuring performance \eqn{O(n \log
        k)}{O(n * log(k))} where \code{n <- length(x)} which is
      asymptotically optimal.}
    \item{"Stuetzle"}{is the (older) Stuetzle-Friedman implementation
      which makes use of median \emph{updating} when one observation
      enters and one leaves the smoothing window.  While this performs as
      \eqn{O(n \times k)}{O(n * k)} which is slower asymptotically, it is
      considerably faster for small \eqn{k} or \eqn{n}.}

It would be nice to see this re-used in a more standalone fashion. Are you volunteering? I can help with some of the R bits.

Edit 1: Besides the link to the older version of Trunmed.c above, here are current SVN copies of

Edit 2: Ryan Tibshirani has some C and Fortran code on fast median binning which may be a suitable starting point for a windowed approach.

Dirk Eddelbuettel
Thanks Dirk. Once I get a clean solution, I am planning on releasing it under GPL. I would be interested in setting up a R and Python interfaces as well.
+3  A: 

This article may be helpful: Calculating Percentiles in Memory-bound Applications

John D. Cook
Thanks John. This looks quite useful.

If you just require a smoothed average a quick/easy way is to multiply the latest value by x and the average value by (1-x) then add them. This then becomes the new average.

edit: Not what the user asked for and not as statistically valid but good enough for a lot of uses.
I'll leave it in here (in spite of the downvotes) for search!

Martin Beckett
This calculates the mean. He wants the median. Also, he is calculating the median of a sliding window of values, not of the entire set.
A. Levy
This calculates a running average of a window of values with a decay constant depending on X - it's very useful where performance matters and you can't be bothered doing a kalman filter. I put it in so search can find it.
Martin Beckett
This is what I also immediately thought of, having implemented such a filter as a very basic and cheap lowpass-filter for an audio app.
James Morris

If you have the ability to reference values as a function of points in time, you could sample values with replacement, applying bootstrapping to generate a bootstrapped median value within confidence intervals. This may let you calculate an approximated median with greater efficiency than constantly sorting incoming values into a data structure.

Alex Reynolds
+9  A: 

I know its been two days, but I'm posting just in case it helps.

This problem was once posed at a TopCoder competition. You can find a discussion on several possible solutions in the Match Editorial (scroll down to FloatingMedian). For me, the C++ multiset approach looks easiest to code.

+2  A: 

Here's a simple algorithm for quantized data (months later):

""" moving median 1d for quantized, e.g. 8-bit data

Method: cache the median, so that wider windows are faster.
    The code is simple -- no heaps, no trees.

Keywords: median filter, moving median, running median, numpy, scipy

See Perreault + Hebert, Median Filtering in Constant Time, 2007, nice 6-page paper and C code,
    mainly for 2d images

    y = medians( x, window=window, nlevel=nlevel )
    med = Median1( nlevel, window, counts=np.bincount( x[0:window] ))
    med.addsub( +, - )  -- see the picture in Perreault
    m = med.median()  -- using cached m, summ

How it works:
    picture nlevel=8, window=3 -- 3 1s in an array of 8 counters:
        counts: . 1 . . 1 . 1 .
        sums:   0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
                        ^ sums[3] < 2 <= sums[4] <=> median 4
        addsub( 0, 1 )  m, summ stay the same
        addsub( 5, 1 )  slide right
        addsub( 5, 6 )  slide left

Updating `counts` in an `addsub` is trivial, updating `sums` is not.
But we can cache the previous median `m` and the sum to m `summ`.
The less often the median changes, the faster;
so fewer levels or *wider* windows are faster.
(Like any cache, run time varies a lot, depending on the input.)

See also:
    scipy.signal.medfilt -- runtime roughly ~ window size


from __future__ import division
import numpy as np  # bincount, pad0

__date__ = "2009-10-27 oct"
__author_email__ = "denis-bz-py at t-online dot de"

class Median1:
    """ moving median 1d for quantized, e.g. 8-bit data """

    def __init__( s, nlevel, window, counts ):
        s.nlevel = nlevel  # >= len(counts)
        s.window = window  # == sum(counts)
        s.half = (window // 2) + 1  # odd or even
        s.setcounts( counts )

    def median( s ):
        """ step up or down until sum cnt to m-1 < half <= sum to m """
        if s.summ - s.cnt[s.m] < s.half <= s.summ:
            return s.m
        j, sumj = s.m, s.summ
        if sumj <= s.half:
            while j < s.nlevel - 1:
                j += 1
                sumj += s.cnt[j]
                # print "j sumj:", j, sumj
                if sumj - s.cnt[j] < s.half <= sumj:  break
            while j > 0:
                sumj -= s.cnt[j]
                j -= 1
                # print "j sumj:", j, sumj
                if sumj - s.cnt[j] < s.half <= sumj:  break
        s.m, s.summ = j, sumj
        return s.m

    def addsub( s, add, sub ):
        s.cnt[add] += 1
        s.cnt[sub] -= 1
        assert s.cnt[sub] >= 0, (add, sub)
        if add <= s.m:
            s.summ += 1
        if sub <= s.m:
            s.summ -= 1

    def setcounts( s, counts ):
        assert len(counts) <= s.nlevel, (len(counts), s.nlevel)
        if len(counts) < s.nlevel:
            counts = pad0__( counts, s.nlevel )  # numpy array / list
        sumcounts = sum(counts)
        assert sumcounts == s.window, (sumcounts, s.window)
        s.cnt = counts

    def slowmedian( s ):
        j, sumj = -1, 0
        while sumj < s.half:
            j += 1
            sumj += s.cnt[j]
        s.m, s.summ = j, sumj

    def __str__( s ):
        return ("median %d: " % s.m) + \
            "".join([ (" ." if c == 0 else "%2d" % c) for c in s.cnt ])

def medianfilter( x, window, nlevel=256 ):
    """ moving medians, y[j] = median( x[j:j+window] )
        -> a shorter list, len(y) = len(x) - window + 1
    assert len(x) >= window, (len(x), window)
    # np.clip( x, 0, nlevel-1, out=x )
        # cf
    cnt = np.bincount( x[0:window] )
    med = Median1( nlevel=nlevel, window=window, counts=cnt )
    y = (len(x) - window + 1) * [0]
    y[0] = med.median()
    for j in xrange( len(x) - window ):
        med.addsub( x[j+window], x[j] )
        y[j+1] = med.median()
    return y  # list
    # return np.array( y )

def pad0__( x, tolen ):
    """ pad x with 0 s, numpy array or list """
    n = tolen - len(x)
    if n > 0:
            x = np.r_[ x, np.zeros( n, dtype=x[0].dtype )]
        except NameError:
            x += n * [0]
    return x

if __name__ == "__main__":
    Len = 10000
    window = 3
    nlevel = 256
    period = 100

    np.set_printoptions( 2, threshold=100, edgeitems=10 )
    # print medians( np.arange(3), 3 )

    sinwave = (np.sin( 2 * np.pi * np.arange(Len) / period )
        + 1) * (nlevel-1) / 2
    x = np.asarray( sinwave, int )
    print "x:", x
    for window in ( 3, 31, 63, 127, 255 ):
        if window > Len:  continue
        print "medianfilter: Len=%d window=%d nlevel=%d:" % (Len, window, nlevel)
            y = medianfilter( x, window=window, nlevel=nlevel )
        print np.array( y )

# end