I want to a content analysis of a jepg image. I wish to take a jpeg image say 251 x 261 and pass it through an algorithm to crop it to say 96 x 87. Like an intelligent cropping algorithm, with a prompt to resize the image.
Cropping and resizing are entirely different operations, and your question makes it sound like you don't know which you want.
I can't really tell where you're at with your process, but possibly you may benefit from obtaining and using ImageMagick.
2009-08-24 01:38:00
Hey thanks just realised cropping and resizing is two different things. T Hanks for pointing that out to me. However, I need to learn to integrate imageMagick in code so i will have to learn how to use it. But again I wish to get some source code to crop the image, as well as to resize it. please work with me.
2009-08-25 11:03:19