



Sometimes all we have to work with manual input, not relying on Intellisense - with components, XML, other declarative things, strings, dynamic languages, scripts. Do you have some useful skills which minimize bugs invoked by manual input?

I don't mean coloring - it is more or less trivial and usually don't depend on programmer. But such things as don't use l or 1 in identificators or use not use autoreplace, or use particular sequence of actions to find mispelled string quickly - this i think may be useful.


I use the compiler find these bugs.

What sort of techniques are you looking for?

Noon Silk
+2  A: 

For editing XML, you definitely want to have a text editor that can point out sections that are not well-formed (as opposed to blind notepad editing).

An editor with good syntax coloring is also highly valuable.

Andy White
+1  A: 

Attention to detail, aside from using your compiler of course.

Mr. Smith
+1  A: 

One good way to avoid human error is to limit overtime: exhausted people are less focused and make more errors.


Don't be hasty. Think about what you're doing, and don't make typos.

To train yourself, I suggest notepad/nano(pico). Using those editors will force you to program correctly with only the power of your mind....not the crutch tools can become.

Paul Nathan

Good testers, flexible schedule, vacations, good source control culture and responsible management hiring reponsible people?

ilya n.