We are building a large search interface with close to 70 properties. Most of these properties are boolean (only hold 0 or 1), around 12 are with int values and some are string.
goal: http://www.example.com/q/test_search/fdgREGd3vfS323
want to avoid: http://www.example.com/q/test_search/?val_12=1000&val_120=0&val_4=XY....
Our goal is to have a short url which will hold all search properties, thus making it possible to store/send exact search data just by remembering the url.
I know this can all be done with many parameters in the url string, but my boss is persistent.
We have figured how to represent boolean values:
Map values to a binary representation ( 00010101011) with each position representing one variable. We pass this string encoded to a shorter counterpart (AB) in e.g. Hex.
But when it comes to properties, that hold values, we havent decided how to procede. Any ideas?