Yes, using rotating calipers. My prof wrote some stuff on this, it starts on page 19.
Please let me know if I misunderstood the problem.
I don't see how do you get N^2 time for brute-forcing all convex hulls in the worst case (1). What if almost any 2 points are closer than R - in this case you need at least N^2*logN to just construct the convex hulls, leave alone computing their union.
Also, where does R^2*logR in your estimation comes from?
1 The worst case (as I see it) for a huge N - take a circle of radius R / 2 and randomly place points on its border and just outside it.
A sweep line algorithm can improve searching for the R-neighbors. Alternatively, you can consider only pairs of points that are in neighboring squares of square grid of width R. Both of these ideas can get rid of the N^2 - of course only if the points are relatively sparse.
I believe that a clever combination of sweeping and convex hull finding cat get rid of the N^2 even if the points are not sparse (as in Olexiy's example), but cannot come up with a concrete algorithm.