



My main view controller (representing the Main Menu in my app) has a simple UIView with a few sub views. I am using a modal-type design pattern and switch to multiple other view controllers before finally returning to the main menu. The problem is, in my other view controllers (not the main menu one), I often load data-heavy images and the like which sometimes causes the main menu (which is not currently on-screen) to unload its view to in response to memory warnings. The problem is, when I ultimately switch back to my main menu, the screen is all black and all but a few UILabels have been dispensed of. At this point, I would like to re-load my view and start fresh. But in the documentation, it says that you should never call -loadView directly. How can I re-load my view?

+4  A: 

In this situation, check the isViewLoaded property — it should be returning NO. If the view has been unloaded correctly, isViewLoaded will return NO and calling view on your view controller will automatically load in the view again.

Check your custom view unloading code — you should be removing everything from the view hierarchy ([[self view] removeFromSuperview]) that belongs to you.

If you haven't got any unloading code, make sure you're not over-retaining some of your views, which will cause problems when unloading.
