



I am trying randomly generate a positive or negative number and rather then worry about the bigger range I am hoping to randomly generate either 1 or -1 to just multiply by my other random number.

I know this can be done with a longer rule of generating 0 or 1 and then checking return and using that to either multiply by 1 or -1.

Hoping someone knows of an easier way to just randomly set the sign on a number. Trying to keep my code as clean as possible.

+9  A: 

If I understand the question correctly, you want a pseudorandom sequence of 1 and -1:

int f(void)
        return random() & 1 ? 1 : -1;
    //  or...
    //  return 2 * (random() & 1) - 1;
    //  or...
    //  return ((random() & 1) << 1) - 1;
    //  or...
    //  return (random() & 2) - 1; // This one from Chris Lutz

Update: Ok, something has been bothering me since I wrote this. One of the frequent weaknesses of common RNGs is that the low order bits can go through short cycles. It's probably best to test a higher-order bit:   random() & 0x80000 ? 1 : -1

Chris Lutz
Just a reminder to those folks who aren't familiar with random numbers generated by a deterministic system- they're not really random. You'll probably want to call `srandomdev();` at some convenient "app start-up" point. You only need to call it once. This seeds the random number generator with a source of reasonably random bits so the results from `random()` are "more random". Otherwise, `random()` starts with the exact same seed each time.
Assuming that we're talking about `` / your standard Cocoa application, the most obvious place to put a call to `srandom()` is in the `` provided `main.m` file, in the `main()` function, just before the call to `NSApplicationMain()`.
I like Chris' approach, but agree with Dave DeLong that `arc4random()` is usually preferable since it doesn't require seeding, which means less opportunity for mistakes.
Quinn Taylor

To generate either 1 or -1 directly, you could do:

int PlusOrMinusOne() {
    return (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1

But why are you worried about the broader range?

David Seiler
rand() has some issues. maybe one should consider using something else.

This extra step won't give you any additional "randomness". Just generate your number straight away in the range that you need (e.g. -10..10). Standard rand() will return a value from this range: 0..1 You can multiply it by a constant to increase the span of the range or you can add a constant to push it left/right on the X-Axis. E.g. to generate random values from from (-5..10) range you will have: rand()*15-5

`rand()` returns an `int` (see `man rand`). This means, by definition, it can not return a value `from this range: 0..1`. Furthermore, the use of `rand` is strongly discouraged, and in fact obsoleted by `random()`, because the algorithm used generates very poor quality random numbers. If you want a value between `(double)` `0.0` ... `1.0`, use `drand48()`. Alternatively you can do something like `(double)randomNumber / (double)TYPE_MAX` for `int`ish style random number generators: `double randomNumber = (double)arc4random() / (double)UINT_MAX;`
@johne - I Think Dmitry was confusing Java with ObjectiveC...
Jason Coco
Sorry for the confusion. I didn't mean any language specifically, but rather a generic function that returns a random (float) value from 0..1 range. My main focus was to explain how to transform it to any other range (i.e. that you don't need that -1 or 1 random value generated)

rand will give you a number from 0 to RAND_MAX which will cover every bit in an int except for the sign. By shifting that result left 1 bit you turn the signed MSB into the sign, but have zeroed-out the 0th bit, which you can repopulate with a random bit from another call to rand. The code will look something like:

int my_rand()
    return (rand() << 1) + (rand() & 1);
-1 for overcomplicating a simple Objective-C problem with unnecessarily complex C++. Usually I wouldn't care enough about such issues to downvote, but the C standard library has perfectly good random number functions that don't require pulling in C++, which can have some rather nasty side effects and complicate compilation, runtime, etc.
Quinn Taylor
I pulled out the std:: namespace, so it's now valid C. `std::rand` is the same `rand` C uses, just protected behind the `std` namespace to avoid collisions.
+4  A: 

I like to use arc4random() because it doesn't require you to seed the random number generator. It also conveniently returns a uint_32_t, so you don't have to worry about the result being between 0 and 1, etc. It'll just give you a random integer.

int myRandom() {
  return (arc4random() % 2 ? 1 : -1);
Dave DeLong
+1 for simple and straightforward.
Quinn Taylor