




So, I have Push Notifications working fine to my app with Custom Sounds. However, when my iPhone is in silent mode, and I send a push notification with a custom sound, the sound obviously does not play, but there is also no vibration.

If I send a push notification with a sound="chime" or something that doesn't exist like that, the iPhone's SMS notification sound plays as expected, and in silent phone, it vibrates, as expected.

What am I doing wrong here?

+1  A: 

In case anyone else runs into this, I figured it out finally.

It's actually on Apple's end. If you send out a push notification with a sound, and badge only, but no text alert, it will play the sound if your phone is not in silent mode, however it will NOT play the sound if it IS in silent mode.

Now, if you add a text alert to that notification, it plays the sound fine, even while in vibrate mode.

There may be some more testing to be done around this. Eg: if you send custom key/value pairs does it play the sound then? Not sure.
