




I have trouble to configure standard JDK logging resin uses. I have read the documentation many times and looked for examples, but in the end I'm still puzzled.

I run a servlet under resin 4.0.1 with simple logging requirements.

  1. All logging configuration should be possible in web.xml (and not global resin.xml)
  2. resin (com.caucho.) and my app's ( log records with INFO+ levels should go to apps log file, in xml. (this part i got working)
  3. Only records with levels SEVERE should go to jvm-default.log which resides in global resin/log directory.

I cannot achieve both (2) and (3) at the same time.

My log settings in web.xml are:

<logger name="" level="info" />
<logger name="com.caucho" level="warning"/>

<log  path="stdout:">
   <logger name="" level="severe"/>

<log-handler name="" level="info" path="../../log/servlet.xml" timestamp="">
    <formatter class="java.util.logging.XMLFormatter"/>

Tips, explanations or pointers welcome,

best regards

Martin Koziej