Documentation is for the interns!
(kidding, of course... well, mostly)
It depends upon the customer, the required deliverables and the product. I typically produce hypertext help for most of my products and find that to be better received than formal documentation.
I've written several user manuals over the years (screen snaps, diagrams, step-by-step how-to guides) and these have been, despite the time spent on them, received but not used, I fear.
I've been documenting a lot lately with a wiki (Tiddlywiki is what I use, and I like it quite a bit.) for my personal needs and really think that the online help is probably the most useful - I almost always go to the internet for my solutions and rarely go thumbing through my books, I think most folks do that.
The problem with formal documentation (or any, really) is that it tends to lag behind the product and is typically an afterthought or the last thing to be done. Let's face it... most of us would rather sling code than spend all day trying to write documentation.