



Kcachegrind rocks and it's of my favorite tools, however from time to time I'm missing the ability to run it in terminal(e.g using ssh) on the remote server.

I know it's possible to setup VNC or X-server forwarding but it's quite clumsy while I need something simple.

Is there any kcachegrind console alternative(e.g ncurses based)?


kcachegrind states in its help that it is a frontend to cachegrind and callgrind.

cachegrind and callgrind are parts of the latest version (3.5) of valgrind. So, download valgrind from and build it. Run valgrind --help, it shows you how to use callgrind functionality.

For more information I need to know what you want to do.

Thorsten Staerk
I think you didn't really read the question. What I need is a ncurses based frontend for callgrind/cachegrind.
The answer is valgrind. For instructions how to use valgrind, run valgrind --help.
Thorsten Staerk