I'd like to work out how much RAM is being used by each of my objects inside my current workspace. Is there an easy way to do this?
You could try the lsos()
function from this question:
R> a <- rnorm(100)
R> lsos()
Type Size Rows Columns
b character 1496 26 NA
a numeric 840 100 NA
Dirk Eddelbuettel
2009-09-08 17:50:51
1. By Object
To get memory allocation on an object-by-object basis, use 'object.size'
if 'how_much_RAM_am_i_using' is a variable name, then omit the quotes, or enclose the variable quoted variable name in a 'get' call
You can loop through your namespace:
for (itm in ls()){print(formatC(c(itm, object.size(get(itm))), format="d",
big.mark=",", width=30), quote=F)}
2. By Object Type
To get memory usage for your namespace by object type, use 'memory.profile'
NULL symbol pairlist closure environment promise language
1 9434 183964 4125 1359 6963 49425
special builtin char logical integer double complex
173 1562 20652 7383 13212 4137 1
There's another function, 'memory.size()' but it only seems to work on Windows; it just returns a value in MB. To get the maximum amount of memory used at any time in the session, use memory.size(max=T).
2010-01-08 00:15:07