



Hi everyone, I was wondering if there was any way to get the Caller ID of an incoming call on the iPhone, I am currently playing with SBTelephony.h (SpringBoard header) and the CoreTelephony.framework and I am not really seeing how to do this. I am planning on using this for a dylib using WinChain/ToolChain etc. Thank you!


Given a CTCallRef you should be able to call CTCallCopyAddress and CTCallCopyName to get the call details.

Alternatively you may wish to look at observing telephony events manually.

thanks for the response. how do i get ahold of the CoreTelephony.framework, im having trouble finding much on it out there
For the most part I just class-dump/nm the framework I'm targeting. If I need help with the parameters I disassemble the framework and go from there. CTCallCopyName's function prototype is: CFTypeRef CTCallCopyName(CTCallRef call);