For most part in the modern web, javascript is 99% times client side (yes I made up the statistic).
That said, javascript is just another language. Back in the olden days, there was the Netscape Enterprise Server (NES it was called) which allowed scripting in javascript.
Modern web servers support scripting langauges like php, python etc. Its unfortunate that js is not big on the server side. Its the single most beautiful language I've encountered: the syntax of C, with the power of something like Lisp.
The conventional client side usage of javascript alludes to its use in the web. I'm sure you know all about javascript on the web (if you are intelligent enough to ask about ssjs).
But some unconventional uses of javascript:
- However, Qt has found use for javascript in its framework. Qt applications can be written to be extensible by addons written in javascript. I think its pretty cool.
- There is also Rhino, that compiles javascript into Java.