We are a small company which develops components for the Joomla! CMS. In the Joomla!'s jargon, a component is a small application that extends the CMS features (we are for example editing a directory component).
As a classical framework, Joomla has a pre-defined files structure which looks like this one:
|-- administrator/
| |-- backups/
| |-- cache/
| |-- components/ <- here
| |-- help/
| |-- images/
| |-- includes/
| |-- language/
| | `-- en-GB/ <- here
| |-- modules/
| `-- templates/
|-- cache/
|-- components/ <- here
|-- images/
|-- includes/
|-- language/
| `-- en-GB/ <- here
|-- libraries/
|-- logs/
|-- media/ <- here
|-- modules/ <- here
|-- plugins/ <- here
|-- templates/
|-- tmp/
|-- xmlrpc/
and our components is taking place in different directories marked with 'here'. To summup, we've got:
- a back-end interface
- a front-end interface
- language files (for back and front)
- media files (images, JS script, CSS...)
- modules
- plugins
We use SVN as version control system, but we are hesitating on the "best" way to organize our repository:
- should we mimic the Joomla's files structure, for example create a administrator/components/ to hold our back-end folder or just set a back/ folder
- should we separate modules and plugins from the component's trunk?
What is your opinion about setting a repository for a software which should sit on an already predefined files structure? What is the "best" strategy for this?
Thank you