I have an AS3 flash player 9 swf with a stage size of 500x100, on the stage I have some objects which extend over the stage border, for instance a 50 pixel diameter circle at 490,90.
What is currently happening when I embed the swf in HTML is that the circle is getting cropped, I would like it to still be totally visible even though it is outside of the stage area. This is critical to the behaviour of this particular application because I need the mouse to be able to access the html elements below the flash movie. If I simply make the stage bigger the circle is visible but the mouse events are getting caught by the transparent flash stage area.
If I view the swf on it's own in a browser eg: localhost/test.swf, the circle is intact. I remember having the exact opposite problem in flash 8 years ago when I didn't want these off stage objects to be visible but they were, so I'm pretty sure it must be possible but I can't get the right combination of parameters for the embed to work correctly.
I am using swfobject 2 to do the embed, but I tried other methods and got the same results.
Any thoughts or suggestions will be highly appreciated :)