



I need a time chooser for a flex app, and as far as I can tell there is no UI component to manipulate Date objects at a resolution finer than per-day (the DateChooser component).

What's a good time chooser for Flex? I strongly prefer a Free as in Libre and/or Free as in Beer component.

+1  A: 

Found this on Adobe site (first result in Google hunt)

You could extend the DateChooser component to add above feature.

I should have been clear; I'm not looking for a non-free component.
Chris R
+2  A: 

This should work for you:

There's a demo and a link to the source code right above it.

Alex Jillard
Thank you. That's the one I'm currently using, but I'm not terrifically happy with it. It does, however, work. So if nobody has a better one I'll be marking this as the accepted sometime soon.
Chris R
+2  A: 

Maybe this could help:

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