



I have only used 3 functional languages -- scala, erlang, and haskell, but in all 3 of these, the correct way to build lists is to prepend the new data to the front and then reversing it instead of just appending to the end. Of course, you could append to the lists, but that results in an entirely new list being constructed.

Why is this? I could imagine it's because lists are implemented internally as linked lists, but why couldn't they just be implemented as doubly linked lists so you could append to the end with no penalty? Is there some reason all functional languages have this limitation?

+2  A: 

Because it's faster

They certainly could support appending, but it's so much faster to prepend that they limit the API. It's also kind of non-functional to append, as you must then modify the last element or create a whole new list. Prepend works in an immutable, functional, style by its nature.

+16  A: 

Lists in functional languages are immutable / persistant.

Appending to the front of an immutable list is cheap because you only have to allocate a single node with the next pointer pointing to the head of the previous list. There is no need to change the original list since it's only a singly linked list and pointers to the previous head cannot see the update.

Adding a node to the end of the list necessitates modifying the last node to point to the newly created node. Only this is not possible because the node is immutable. The only option is to create a new node which has the same value as the last node and points to the newly created tail. This process must repeat itself all the way up to the front of the list resulting in a brand new list which is a copy of the first list with the exception of thetail node. Hence more expensive.

Couldn't the list data structure have a pointer to the tail node, and then modify the tail node's "next" variable to point to the new node?
@ryeguy, just added an explanation for why that's not possible
Jep. But *changing* something is actually mutually exclusive with *immutability*, which means, that you *cannot* change anything.
+1  A: 

By restricting list construction to prepending, it means that anybody else that is holding a reference to some part of the list further down, will not see it unexpectedly change behind their back. This allows for efficient list construction while retaining the property of immutable data.

Greg Hewgill
+2  A: 

That is the way in which lists are defined. A list is defined as a linked list terminated by a nil, this is not just an implementation detail. This, coupled with that these languages have immutable data, at least erlang and haskell do, means that you cannot implement them as doubly linked lists. Adding an element would them modify the list, which is illegal.
