Whenever I start working on projects that are complex enough that I can't keep it all in my head at once I like to outline how the app should work... I usually hack something like this out in a text editor:
# Program is run
# check to see if database exists
# create database
# complain on error, exit
# ensure database is writable
# complain to user, exit
# check to see if we have stored user credentials
# present dialog asking for credentials
# verify credentials and reshow dialog if they're invalid
# show currently stored data
# start up background thread to check for new data
# update displayed data if new data becomes available
# ...
# Background service
# Every 15min update data from server
# Every 24 hours do a full sync w/ server
Et cetera (note: this is commented so SO won't parse it, not because I include it as comments in code).
What I'm wondering is how you guys do this. Are there any tools for outlining a program's flow? How do you describe complex projects so that when it comes time to code you can concentrate on the code and not the design/architecture of all the little pieces?