Many modern programming languages allow us to handle potentially infinite lists and to perform certain operations on them.
Example [Python]:
EvenSquareNumbers = ( x * x for x in naturals() if x mod 2 == 0 )
Such lists can exist because only elements that are actually required are computed. (Lazy evaluation)
I just wondered out of interest whether it's possible (or even practised in certain languages) to extend the mechanism of lazy evaluation to arithmetics.
Given the infinite list of even numbers evens = [ x | x <- [1..], even x ]
We couldn't compute
length evens
since the computation required here would never terminate.
But we could actually determine that
length evens > 42
without having to evaluate the whole length
Is this possible in any language? What about Haskell?
Edit: To make the point clearer: The question is not about how to determine whether a lazy list is shorter than a given number. It's about using conventional builtin functions in a way that numeric computation is done lazily.
sdcvvc showed a solution for Haskell:
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
toLazy :: Integer -> Nat
toLazy 0 = Zero
toLazy n = Succ (toLazy (n-1))
instance Num Nat where
(+) (Succ x) y = Succ (x + y)
(+) Zero y = y
(*) Zero y = Zero
(*) x Zero = Zero
(*) (Succ x) y = y + (x * y)
fromInteger = toLazy
abs = id
negate = error "Natural only"
signum Zero = Zero
signum (Succ x) = Succ Zero
len [] = Zero
len (_:x') = Succ $ len x'
-- Test
len [1..] < 42
Is this also possible in other languages?