I am trying to do SVN-LDAP authentication for multiple projects
(Ex, 100 projects, 10 user per project).I have found 2 approaches to do the same.
1) Having common authz file for all the projects like below.
pm = Sudha,user2
dev = user1
@dev= r
@pm = rw
Kind of similar configuration for trunk and branches
#Project 2
Now I have located the same authz file in apache and it works
fine .
AuthzSVNAccessFile /opt/svn/authz.
Second approach:
Instead to have common authz file, I have single authz file per project.
<Location /svn/Project1>
"ldap://localhost:3268/dc=aspiresys,dc=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)" NONE
AuthLDAPBindDN "[email protected]"
AuthLDAPBindPassword somepassword
AuthzSVNAccessFile /opt/svn/repos/Project1/conf/authz
require valid-user
<Location /svn/Project2>
"ldap://localhost:3268/dc=aspiresys,dc=com?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)" NONE
AuthLDAPBindDN "[email protected]"
AuthLDAPBindPassword somepassword
AuthzSVNAccessFile /opt/svn/repos/Project2/conf/authz
require valid-user
But if I go with this approach I need to restart apache when I am adding new project which might leads to performance issue.
But If I go with first approach, and if I made any mistake in authz file it will affect my entire SVN(Consider If i have around 200 project details in common authz file).
Please Let me know what is the best solution for this problem? or Please let me know, if we have any other
soln for SVN-LDAP for multiple projects .