I'm trying to write a merge sorting algorithm in Perl and I've attempted to copy the pseudo code from Wikipedia.
So this is what I have:
sub sort_by_date {
my $self = shift;
my $collection = shift;
print STDERR "\$collection = ";
print STDERR Dumper $collection;
if ( @$collection <= 1 ) {
return $collection;
my ( $left, $right, $result );
my $middle = ( @$collection / 2 ) - 1;
my $x = 0;
for ( $x; $x <= $middle; $x++ ) {
push( @$left,$collection->[$x] );
$x = $middle + 1;
for ( $x; $x < @$collection; $x++ ) {
push( @$right,$collection->[$x] );
$left = $self->sort_by_date( $left );
$right = $self->sort_by_date( $right );
print STDERR '$left = ';
print STDERR Dumper $left;
print STDERR '$right = ';
print STDERR Dumper $right;
print STDERR '$self->{\'files\'}{$left->[@$left-1]} = ';
print STDERR Dumper $self->{'files'}{$left->[@$left-1]};
print STDERR '$self->{\'files\'}{$right->[0]} = ';
print STDERR Dumper $self->{'files'}{$right->[0]};
if ( $self->{'files'}{$left->[@$left-1]}{'modified'} > $self->{'files'}{$right->[0]}{'modified'} ) {
$result = $self->merge_sort( $left,$right );
else {
$result = [ @$left, @$right ];
return $result;
## We're merge sorting two lists together
sub merge_sort {
my $self = shift;
my $left = shift;
my $right = shift;
my @result;
while ( @$left > 0 && @$right > 0 ) {
if ( $self->{'files'}{$left->[0]}{'modified'} <= $self->{'files'}{$right->[0]}{'modified'} ) {
push( @result,$left->[0] );
shift( @$left );
else {
push( @result,$right->[0] );
shift( @$right );
print STDERR "\@$left = @$left\n";
print STDERR "\@$right = @$right\n";
if ( @$left > 0 ) {
push( @result,@$left );
else {
push( @result,@$right );
print STDERR "\@result = @result\n";
return @result;
The error I'm getting + the output from my debugging print statements is as follows:
$collection = $VAR1 = [
$collection = $VAR1 = [
$collection = $VAR1 = [
$collection = $VAR1 = [
$collection = $VAR1 = [
$left = $VAR1 = [
$right = $VAR1 = [
$self->{'files'}{$left->[@$left-1]} = $VAR1 = {
'type' => 'file',
'modified' => '0.764699074074074'
$self->{'files'}{$right->[0]} = $VAR1 = {
'type' => 'file',
'modified' => '340.851956018519'
$collection = $VAR1 = [
$collection = $VAR1 = [
$collection = $VAR1 = [
$left = $VAR1 = [
$right = $VAR1 = [
$self->{'files'}{$left->[@$left-1]} = $VAR1 = {
'type' => 'file',
'modified' => '255.836377314815'
$self->{'files'}{$right->[0]} = $VAR1 = {
'type' => 'file',
'modified' => '248.799166666667'
@ARRAY(0x8226b2c) = dev/scripts/taxonomy.csv
@ARRAY(0x8f95178) =
@result = dev/scripts/wiki.cgi dev/scripts/taxonomy.csv
$left = $VAR1 = [
$right = $VAR1 = 2;
$self->{'files'}{$left->[@$left-1]} = $VAR1 = {
'type' => 'file',
'modified' => '340.851956018519'
$self->{'files'}{$right->[0]} = [Tue Sep 22 13:47:19 2009] [error] [Tue Sep 22 13:47:19 2009] null: Can't use string ("2") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at ../lib/Master/ProductVersion.pm line 690.\n
Now the added complexity you see in the code is that for each item in the $collection array_ref passed in there is also a hash entry for that item containing item => { type => 'file', modified => 'date-last-modified' } and I'm trying to sort on the date last modified of each file.
My brain just basically can't cope with recursion and I can't figure out where I'm going wrong - it's probably obvious and/or horrendously wrong. Any help would be much appreciated... or I'm rewriting as insertion sort!