I'm trying to write a relatively simple algorithm to search for a string on several attributes
Given some data:
Some data:
1: name: 'Josh', location: 'los angeles'
2: name: 'Josh', location: 'york'
search string: "josh york"
The results should be [2, 1] because that query string hits the 2nd record twice, and the 1st record once.
It's safe to assume case-insensitivity here.
So here's what I have so far, in ruby/active record:
query_string = "josh new york"
some_attributes = [:name, :location]
results = {}
query_string.downcase.split.each do |query_part|
some_attributes.each do |attribute|
find(:all, :conditions => ["#{attribute} like ?", "%#{query_part}%"]).each do |result|
if results[result]
results[result] += 1
results[result] = 1
results.sort{|a,b| b[1]<=>a[1]}
The issue I have with this method is that it produces a large number of queries (query_string.split.length * some_attributes.length).
Can I make this more efficient somehow by reducing the number of queries ?
I'm okay with sorting within ruby, although if that can somehow be jammed into the SQL that'd be nice too.