




I'm trying to recursively compare two subversion working copy folders using WinMerge.

Unfortunately, WinMerge displays lots of differencing files inside of the subversion control folders (.svn or _svn).

Is it possible to somehow exclude the subversion folders from the comparision? Or is there another (free) diff-tool which is able to do this?

+11  A: 

WinMerge handles this just fine. You want to create and use a filter. Under Tools/Filters, create a new filter or modify an existing one. It will look like this:

## Ignore Java class and jar files
f: \.class$
f: \.jar$

## Ignore subversion housekeeping folders
d: \\.svn$
d: \\._svn$

Save it, then when selecting items to merge, select the filter you defined from the Select Files or Folders dialog box. Bonus points - It will save this and use it as a default for future merges.

Thanks a lot! I discovered that there is even a predefined filter to exclude source control files and folders.
Hi Martin, you might want to accept 4h24d's answer as well since it is simpler than this and appropriate and thus has been voted better so far.
+15  A: 

WinMerge (Version 2.12.4) already includes a filter to exclude soure control files and directories, and it's called Exclude Source Control. It works for Subversion, CVS, Git, Bazaar and Mercurial, and it doesn't require you to create a filter, you just have to apply it during the comparison.

thanks for the tip!
thanks for the information. i would like to avoid selecting everytime i compare. is there anyway we can make it apply "Exclude Source control" files by default?

I found line filters to be very lacking. I developed regular expressions filter yesterday using Boost Regex library.

I feel it does the job.


Feel free to try.

Hi user108570, I feel this doesn't answer the question at all and looks like advertisement...
You can use regex filter to igore contents of svn files. This way it will not appear in your comparison results.

WinMerge (Version 2.12.4) already includes a filter, but at least in my installation, the filters for Subversion, Git and Bazaar were commented.

Tools->Filters->Filefilters->"Exclude Source Control" (double click to edit).

Edit the lines so in the end looks like this:

d: \\.svn$ ## Subversion working copy
d: \\_svn$  ## Subversion working copy ASP.NET Hack
d: \\cvs$   ## CVS control directory
d: \\.git$ ## Git directory
d: \\.bzr$ ## Bazaar branch
d: \\.hg$ ## Mercurial repository