



I'm tring to commit a symlink into subversion, but I get this error when I try to add the actual symlink:

Can't replace 'path/to/symlink' with a node of a differing type; the deletion must be committed and the parent updated before adding 'path/to/symlink'

+4  A: 

I read it as - you have to remove the file, commit, update, create symlink, add it, commit.

And my guess is that you're trying to remove the file, create symlink, commit in one go.

Michael Krelin - hacker
I did delete something earlier that was previously in the place I'm tring to symlink to but I committed my change before trying to add the symlink to subversion.
"and the parent update". Maybe you need to `svn update` for whatever reason?
Michael Krelin - hacker
Thanks! I needed to run svn up as well.
I've edited the update step into my answer for future sufferers.
Michael Krelin - hacker