O(min(n,m)) time is impossible: Take two lists [x;x;...;x;y] and [x;x;...;x;z]. You have to browse both lists till the end to compare y and z.
Even O(n+m) is impossible. Take
[1,1,...,1] - n times
[1,1,...,1] - m times
Then the resulting list should have n*m elements. You need at least O(n m) (correctly Omega(n m)) time do create such list.
Without cartesian product (simple merge), this is quite easy. Ocaml code (I don't know F#, should be reasonably close; compiled but not tested):
let rec merge a b = match (a,b) with
([], xs) -> xs
| (xs, []) -> xs
| (x::xs, y::ys) -> if x <= y then x::(merge xs (y::ys))
else y::(merge (x::xs) (y::ys));;
(Edit: I was too late)
So your code in O(n m) is the best possible in worst case. However, IIUIC it performs always n*m operations, which is not optimal.
My approach would be
1) write a function
group : 'a list -> ('a * int) list
that counts the number of same elements:
group [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,3] == [(1,5);(2,2);(3,1)]
2) use it to merge both lists using similar code as before (there you can multiply those coefficients)
3) write a function
ungroup : ('a * int) list -> 'a list
and compose those three.
This has complexity O(n+m+x) where x is the length of resulting list. This is the best possible up to constant.
Edit: Here you go:
let group x =
let rec group2 l m =
match l with
| [] -> []
| a1::a2::r when a1 == a2 -> group2 (a2::r) (m+1)
| x::r -> (x, m+1)::(group2 r 0)
in group2 x 0;;
let rec merge a b = match (a,b) with
([], xs) -> []
| (xs, []) -> []
| ((x, xm)::xs, (y, ym)::ys) -> if x == y then (x, xm*ym)::(merge xs ys)
else if x < y then merge xs ((y, ym)::ys)
else merge ((x, xm)::xs) ys;;
let rec ungroup a =
match a with
[] -> []
| (x, 0)::l -> ungroup l
| (x, m)::l -> x::(ungroup ((x,m-1)::l));;
let crossjoin x y = ungroup (merge (group x) (group y));;
# crossjoin [2; 4; 6; 8; 8; 10; 12] [-7; -8; 2; 2; 3; 4; 4; 8; 8; 8;];;
- : int list = [2; 2; 4; 4; 8; 8; 8; 8; 8; 8]